Friday, August 28, 2009


"Every person and eery circumstance placed in your life is perfect preparation for the future only God can see." Corrie Ten Boom Leaving is one of those circumstances and in life that happens in a variety of ways. Perhaps it is takinga daughter to college or a trip short or long, or a death unexpected or foreseen; leaving is an integral component of life. 

What is important to remember is that the memories of those we hold dear, of those moments we embrace with laughter or tears are with us in our hearts forever. That scrapbook in out mind or tender file within the pages of our hearts seems to hold such events with lasting recognition, sometimes as if they were still only moments away. All of these experiences I believe build character into the souls of our relationships with others when we look truthfully at the contributions they make to our compassion, our understanding of life and our relationships with others.

I have heard that the moments that make you happy, make you wise. Sometimes even tears are those of happiness and sadness because an era is ending. Yet with each ending come new and fresh beginnings and another step or building block into each life that is touched or will be graced by events of the future. Value those rare moments and live every day with all you can for in reality every day and each moment is surrounded by the beginning of a new journey and a leaving of that time that becomes history. We can choose to value these memories or toss them aside as uneventful, boring or precious. How we hold the context of each day and those often priceless events is our choice for we never get yesterday again.