Friday, July 16, 2010

Where is truth?

Just wondering how much of what is published in the paper these days and transmitted in the news is truth. It begins as truth, according to those who published it and many loopholes begin to be uncovered - in other words it is part truth, or relative truth and never the entire truth - which makes it not true at all. Amazing how it is always easier to blame someone else for shunned responsibility.

In our educational system for instance, there is documented research to show what works; yet the "bright" minds establishing all the latest educational mandates refuse to acknowledge and implement what works in most schools for the majority of students. We just apply another written assessment and steal time from the classroom to administer that exam, which only proves the ability to test well and seldom requires direct application to the real world. Elliott Eisner said "You cannot increase the weight of a cow by simply putting it on a scale." He was right and that is truth.

The same applies to the current administration in DC - truth for them, is definitely not reality for the rest of us. Their words are no longer a fabricated facade - despite promises, despite those lingering words of change - these two years have in no way been the change we need.

How is it you can spend more dollars than you make? I want to sign up if that is the way it works - but alas, the White House has and continues to leave us with a staggering price tag symbolizing the "change" that was promised. No one iota of truth there - and we are only half way through the term. Visualize the possibilities for two more years of this spending and spending and spending. I am thinking - why work at all? Why not join the welfare state and let Washington pass the cost on to those who are crazy enough to be gainfully employed.

Personally I do not believe there is a "my truth" and "your truth" - your intentions and actions are either wholly true or they are not, regardless. A good compass is true for all who use it - no compromise, no excuse. In the world today I long for individuals of character who will speak reality and truth - individuals who are willing to accept responsibility for errors with humility and grace. I find our state and nation in need of such leaders, desperate need. Just where do you think leadership that consistently embraces and applies truth can be found today?